December 15, 2012


   A little over a 1 month ago, I had the misfortune of dropping my beloved iPhone-4s and hearing the heart-dropping 'thunk' as it hit the ground. At the time, I only thought, 'seriously, my case is going to get beat up' (ironic). I proceeded to pick up my iPhone and put it in my pocket and went on my merry way. It was not until I took my iPhone out to use it that I realized the 'thunk' was the prelude to an ever intrecit spider-crack across my entire front screen. I did the whole, put it back in my pocket and take it out again; in hopes that maybe it would appear unbroken. As you are probably thinking, "Seriously, it won't work." Desperate times my friends, desperate times. I sadly acknowledged my situation of my phone, thought about crying, oddly I didn't.
    Fast forward a few friend Jess found a replacement kit online (didn't even know this was possible). Turns out, it is a pretty common thing to personally replace an iPhone screen. Most people do not do it because it is:
         A. extremely time consuming
         B. tedious work
         C. slightly difficult
         D. the list could go on.
I should have ordered a kit right then and there...but I waited another month; only to add more wear and tear to my already spider-webbed screen. I will tell you right now, I did not order a new phone via Verizon or send my phone in via AppleCare.
         Two reasons:   1. Verizon = $600 for a new phone 2. AppleCare = $299 for a fixing
As a teacher and someone who is trying to have a bountiful Christmas shopping outlook, all the while still learning how to save...these two options were not for me. So, I went with the alternative, and bought a kit off of Amazon. The kit was roughly $28.00 and included:

All needed necessities
   Fast forward another week, it is a Friday night, I have my kit, but I am wanting someone to replace it. Well I wasn't doing anything productive, I was staying in for the I thought, "I can do this? Why don't I try it?" I haven't challenged myself to do something that I was uncomfortable with or hadn't tried before; this was part of the reason of attempting this. I YouTubed some directions and away I went. Mind you, this process took me 4hours to do and lots of shaky was not all that difficult, but it was very time consuming and tedious work to say the least.
      (One majorly bummer part...there is a warning label on the battery. This is right when you take the back of the phone off, when you are just started the replacement process. I failed to read the WARNING: do not puncture or may burn and cause fire. I couldn't get the battery out, so what did I do? I grabbed a knife to pry it out...instant idea with no thought caused instant results. My battery smoked and sparked and I knew it was done for. I muttered dissapointment at the whole situation, wished I would have tried other ways, read the warning, and thought how ridiculous I was).
     Back to taking the phone apart after my self-inflicted pity party. I still needed to replace the screen, so I continued on with my work. Pausing and playing the video and looking at pictures. I had paper next to me were I drew outlines of a phone and placed the screws on the paper...because there are a ton and they are all so tiny.

Be very precise
The most difficult part for me out of this whole process, (apart from knowing my phone would not work because of the battery incident) was putting the phone back together. This was because I had to back track, find out what screws went where (that is why I strongly suggest your map on paper is very precise) annnd not to mention the teeny screws used to put the screen on...shown in picture below.
40minutes on this particular screw...
**Tweezers were a lifesaver in this whole was great at picking up the screws and placing them (trying again and again) into the right holes. My goodness, 4 hours later, talking to myself, screws falling out, losing and finding the screws, wishing I was better at drawing, praying to find the tiny screw, finding the tiny screw, forgetting my battery won't work, remembering my battery won't work....and countless other moments; my phone was finally done and put back together!
lol which one is new hahah
 This is a picture that I am very proud with. I never thought I would be able to do this, but I surprised myself. Boom-Shaka-Laka. Let me tell you, my phone on the left was in such bad shape...if I am able to replace a screen; then I think anyone else can. (I ordered a battery...hopefully it arrives quickly and will work). I am not going to think about that right now.. I am going to take this time without my phone to enjoy other parts of my life.