
Amy Leigh
"Beloved One"

I struggle with "about me" portions of things...I always have. Maybe it is the fear of leaving something out, or something...not sure. I am much better at listing things; random or personal...in no particular order at all.

Brief Long Bits

 I am not a talented blogger with a specific purpose and audience.
I enjoy blogging for my personal use and hope whoever stumbles upon it enjoys it. :)
I am nothing short of ordinarily unique and original.  
I speak like a post-it, spontaneously random...always sticking.
I love my family, I even like them.
I educate little kiddos in Kindergarten.
I have a cat, Leopold. He is loyal like a dog & cuddly as a kitten.  
I'm sarcastic and humorous with no intention of being so.  
I delight in good conversation, trying to avoid 'surface talk' when communicating with others.
Grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting down for a nice chat is my setting of choice. 
Listening intently with purpose is preferred over politely listening. 
 I wear what I want because I like it I am so not up-to date on any level of 'fashion'.
Give me a scarf and cute sandals...I am good to go. 
Skiing is a passionate joy of mine, snowy mountains are phenomenal. 
 Sometimes I feel I am craving to find the beauty in things long forgotten.
 I speak in accents to liven up certain situations
God's love, mercy, forgiveness, and grace are unfathomable.
I am a city girl with a country heart. 
Sitting on straw and hearing the guitar would take my breath away.

  I believe that everything happens for a reason and with Christ, all things can be made new.


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