June 29, 2011

& so it begins...

Hi friends!
How do I start my first blog post? Well, I am going to go with the approach of relaying as briefly as possible how this ‘Shenandoah’ blog came to be.  Prior to graduation I applied to teaching positions. All applications were filled with their fair share of questions, preferences, cover letters etc. I applied to positions as far west as Montana & as far east as North Carolina.  Why? Well, I had nothing holding me back; I knew that if I wanted too, I could go anywhere. I was open for going anywhere too, I was praying about it and had to trust in God to open a window of opportunity for me. Well, he did; in Iowa.
            Contrary to what some people may think, Iowa is the absolutely, most perfect place for me to be right now. (Side note: my entire extended family lives throughout Iowa). One day,  I found myself randomly applying for positions in Iowa. I said God opened a window for me? I didn’t know how wonderfully perfect of a window it would be. (He really does know my desires and what I need!) Fast-Forward & Condense Version: I applied to SSD on a Tuesday. I received a phone call from the principal that Thursday. I had a skype interview that Friday. An hour and a half later I answered a phone call asking me to get back on skype. 10 minutes later I was replying, “Yes! I would love to!” to the question, “We would like to offer you the Kindergarten position. What do you think about that for a graduation present?”  I could not stop smiling, my dear friends Carissa and Beth were with me at the time and can attest to my ‘freak-out’ I had for the next 4 hours.
            I can say that as of 7PM this evening, I signed the contract and am officially a Kindergarten teacher of Shenandoah School District for the 2011-2012 school year! I move on August 2nd and the nerves are beginning to settle in (it is a new kind of freak-out). For those of you who are unfamiliar with Iowa, Shenandoah is in the southwest corner of the state; about a hop, skip, & jump away from Nebraska, Missouri, & Kansas. feeling a whole lot of bittersweet emotions. I am excited, terrified, content, scared, ready, hesitant. Though I am not alone. God opened a window for me and I am ready to see what else is waiting for me. Let's do this!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”
Proverbs 3:5

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