November 29, 2012


I went to visit my dear friend Jackie this weekend in Sioux City, IA. I haven't seen her since Febuaray so we had a lot of catching up to do!! (In case the post date is different, this was back in September).

It was so wonderful to catch up and talk about anything and everything. 

A big part of the night was drinking wine and relishing our college years and living out our HP love! With that, we made Harry Potter wands. This was the best time, hanging out on her living room floor, chatting, sipping wine, and amongst us....a plethora of materials at our fingertips to use to creat our 'authentic' wands. 

Finished wand...don't you desire this one? Mr. Olivander would be proud!! 

The process before the finish...
starts off as a dowel rod

                                           unicorn hair, dragons tail...

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