April 22, 2013

Fresh Morning

    Everyday is a new day. A new beginning. A fresh start. The sun is rising upon the earth, never has today happened before. Anything is possible today. Everything can be approach in new ways; if I let go of my yesterday, my past and give way to what is happening in the now....
    I have been stuck in the mind-set of "thinking rather than doing" "living in the past or living in the future of ..." these 2 ways do not work for me anymore. When I wake in the morning I want to welcome the fresh air and sun on my face and embrace the reality that even though it may seem like today is just "another day" I will get up knowing that with God, everything is starting over once again. (Get out of the rut in my head that bogs me down and pulls me in the opposite direction...start living and start living today) I shouldn't have time to stop and think about living my life, I should be out living and doing it. (Reflecting and contemplating are alright...but I think you know what I mean...at least I do, and this is my blog...question please inquire to me). MTH is something that I hope will help me ...live each day moment by moment, because that is all we have and that is all that matters.
    My blog has been a mess, then an attempt at organization, and then an attempt at being kept up to date. The tabs are true...although they need updating into a more real perspective and what is actually going on. I am determined to post about things that I want to happen in my life, take pictures of me making things happen, opening my eyes to the life that is going on around me...and most of all...stepping out of my comfort zone and living...actually 100% living.
      Stop analyzing and over thinking everything that comes into your life, or planning things that are going to happen...open your eyes to what IS happening and to what IS going on...that is God right there for you.

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