(Imagine that!)
On Thursday, I, along with other new staff had an all day in-service. This consisted of going over the master contract, curriculum, information, meetings, tours, anything and everything concerning the school district. We were then taken out to lunch with some members of the SEA (Shenandoah Educators Association...the Union). To be honest, I am not sure how I feel about Unions (pick your jaw up from the floor please) buuut they took us to Godfather's Pizza.
A few slices of pizza and much information later, they rolled out 9 coolers on wheels! The President of the SEA informed us the coolers (from 1st National Bank) were filled with donations from businesses in Shenandoah.
This, my blogger friends, is where I make a connection to the Giving Tree concept; helping out people who may be in need. The Vice President put it perfectly, "Young new teachers, in here you will find gift cards to local restaurants and the grocery store...you will be able to sustain yourselves as you await your first paycheck." I am still speechless because we recieved so much! Gift cards to HyVee, Walmart, Pizza Hut, Fareway, Godfather's, T-shirt stores, Furniture shops, Cafe's, etc. Truly amazed and thankful I am. LOVE!!!
(Picture coming soon)
In all seriousness, I cannot express how thankful I am to all the businesses in Shenandoah who donated to us new teachers; their kindness is amazing. All I can do is continue to walk around with a smile, do my best with the whole teaching thing :), and say a grateful "Thank you" when I hand over my coupon or gift card at the local establishments. Shenandoah.you.rock.
Let us give so others can receive.
Luke 3:11 And he would answer and say to them, “The man who has two tunics is to share with him who has none; and he who has food is to do likewise.”
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