July 21, 2012



    I just got back to Shenandoah after 3-weeks visiting my home-base in MN. After much $$$$ spent at the grocery store, I had a fully stocked kitchen again along with all the ingredients to cook. I decided to have some dear friends over and cook a meal. I thought I would make use of one of my healthy cook books...meal on the menu for the evening: Stuffed Peppers! (*I truly got the insight of how rewarding and nice a meal is that took time to cook from scratch...waiting makes the tummy fonder. Not to mention I hadn't eaten all day*).
    On the social side, it was so nice seeing these girls again, and it was a good quality time listening to music, talking, and cooking this meal. Super easy to make, and quite possibly one of the best tasting things I have ever made. The best thing too...no dipping sauce is needed, there is enough flavor in it. AND...it is healthy for you!

Stuffed Peppers

  **Take a chance and stuff your pepper today!


5 medium green peppers (how many you choose)
1 lb. white meet skinless ground turkey
2 cans stewed tomatoes
1/3 cup chopped onions
3/4 cup brown rice
2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 cup fat-free grated cheese
salt & pepper

 Putting It All Together 
 *Cut off tops of green pepper and clean and precook in boiling water for 5 minutes.
*Cook rice until almost tender (20mintes)
*Brown turkey and onions in a no-stick pan.
*Add tomatoes and Worcestershire sauce...add salt & pepper to taste.
*Stir in rice and cover to let simmer until rice is almost tender (about 10 minutes). 
*Mix in cheese
*Stuff peppers and add cheese to the tops.
Stand peppers upright in 10 x 6 x 1 1/2 inch baking dish.
*Bake uncovered at 350 for about 45 mintes


*Freshly out of the oven...yummmm

*Seriously delicious!

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