June 17, 2013

Quarter of a Cent...

     My 25th birthday was on June 12th. 
 My mom and dad came down for a few days. 
I am so thankful to have had them with my on my birthday, living 6hrs. away & all.
We went out to eat the night before my birthday, and then my mom blessedly made "Birthday Brunch" for us, my 2 friends Heather & Patty along with Patty's Niece Kayla, and Patty's daughter Zoey. It was such a lovely morning and a great way to bring in this new stage of my life. :)

1/ Birthday candle! 2/Blueberry Muffins by mom from scratch!
3/Brunch plate! 4/Patty, me, Heather! 5/Zoey-babe
Later in the evening I went to the Emerald Isle in Imogene, Iowa for a margarita. The Isle has become like a family place to me over the past few years; I have been welcomed in and appreciate the people there. The band playing dedicated a song to me and many birthday wishers got a straw and helped celebrate. I am blessed to have such delightful people in my life and to have come to adore the people in SW-Iowa as though I have known them for a long time. 

1/me, Kat, Stacey 2/not a solo attempt 
3/TC-Michael 4/in awe of Micheal


   Turning 25 was a bit rough for me. It is such a defining age; and you really transition into being an adult. I have accomplished so much since graduating...it's crazy. However, I struggle with looking back on where I have been and wonder where I am going (I think it comes with the age) sometimes I feel like I am waiting for something to happen. This verse speaks truth into my life:
Isaiah 43: 18pt of 19
“Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past. 
See, I am doing a new thing!"
Birthday flowers.

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