June 27, 2013


     Whole30...ever heard of it? Have any idea what it may be, entail? Is it hard? Is it safe? Does it work and is  it realistic? What is the point? Have you ever tried it before? Does it catch your attention right away? Well these are just a few questions I had when my sister-in-law, Katie, told me she was doing something called the "Whole30". 

Whole30 is a 30-day challenge (to your body) to reset your nutritional system and get rid of all the junk we don't really need. I was told it would take care of food cravings, boost metabolism, calm digestives, give you energy, improve your sleeping pattern, and give you an all around glow. As I list these off I see the common thread in all of them; it's because you are not only eating healthy you are eating wholeistically! The trigger that got me on the wagon? The fact that it is a 30-day challenge with in end, but has the intention and promise that it will change and effect your lifestyle afterwards. Whole30 is all about eating food that will do something to help your body... :)

Needless to say, I am on Day 4 of this challenge and I already have noticed some differences. I would have to say that the first 2 days were rough, mainly because it was all a mental thing. But guess what? There is so much that you can eat that is com-pliable and it is 100% natural and good for you (I am not talking all organic here...because even those packaged organic things are a no-go). Day 1 and 2 were hard because I craved grains, and dairy (2 no-nos, think of their ingredient list!). However, after day 2, I no longer am craving either...because it is no longer in my system. I also do not crave them because I know what they contain and what they can do to my body...mainly what it can't do though. 

I will be finishing up my challenge a few days into my family trip to North Carolina...thank goodness seafood is compliable. I will not be keeping a consistent track of my progress, struggles, successes, etc. There are other blogs distinctly dedicated to that found through the Whole30 website. I will however post recipes or things that I have found I enjoy. And please, by all means, shoot me a message/comment if you are interested. I'm one of those who hear testimonies and think: yea, but if it happens to me then I'll buy into it...so here goes something and testing and daring it to work for me. 


Until then, happy Thursday. I am still in Chicago and LOOOOOOVING it! 

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