June 3, 2013


     I finished my 2nd year as a Kindergarten teacher here in Shenandoah on May 23rd. This past year has been one of great blessings. My 2012-13 class has impacted me both professionally and personally...all for the better. Looking back on the past year; it is difficult to express in words how precious and priceless my group is (thankful to a classroom blog I have that were able to capture some of those moments and share with the parents). At the beginning of the year I dearly missed my 1st class of kiddos. However, although I still hold my 1st class close to my heart; this 2nd batch, my heart quickly made room for them and I will truly cherish the moments forever.

The K-family
    It is the little things in teaching, the moments that are brushed by -unnoticed at times, smiled or waved away in-between those 'lessons'- that create such raw and true moments. My kiddos this year were sponges who soaked in what they were learning. They wanted more, they wanted the why, the how, the who, when, and yes, even the what. Above that, the were interested in each other and concerning feelings and thoughts.
    We became a family...so much more than just a room of 20 students and 1 teacher. They care about one another and even though have arguments (they are only 5 &6) they truly enjoyed each others company and learning with one another. I rarely heard sounds of despair when I mentioned we were doing the Daily 5 or Math Centers...success on the teacher part. The left reading and adding and with the confidence that although things are hard at times...they are encouraged to dream anything and work hard.

Our countdown paper chain...each child is important just like each chain link.

    Some of my fondest memories are spawned from,  "Oh! Miss Samuels I JUST had this great idea!!" "Mommy! I mean, oh Miss....Ah!!! I can't figure out who you are!" :) They are too adorable. Each morning they would come into the classroom talking to one another...some coming straight towards me with a list of comments, concerns and questions (yes the hand did have to go up and tell them to return to their seats and wait for me to come to them). As one child freezes with mouth opens and backs up to his seat to sit down...this class was usually able to redirect quite quickly.  Yes there were many times of redirection, discussions on appropriate times to talk, and practicing good listening skills. They are young and they need reminders...just like me. The look in their eyes when they were 'caught' or 'stopped' instant remorse or realization quickly replaced with the look of relief and determination to try better the next time; most often. Ha ha.
    Hugs from my dear ones are the best...they can mend any bad day or hurt heart. The picture below is a class picture that was taken at the beginning of the school year. This is one of my favorites, because it shows our Mustang pride (home of the Mustangs & Fillies) it was during Homecoming week...and it has 2 kiddos in it that moved away before the end of the school year. We had a total of 4 students move from our class this year...and it was a big deal for each one. We continued to call their spot by their name and say, "so-&-so is with another K-family"...they were so concerned about one another. :)

  With summer here they left me with a hug knowing they would see me throughout the summer and encouraged to come back and visit me as they were confident "1st Graders".

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